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    Google is an American public corporation, earning revenue from advertising, related to its Internet search, e-mail, online mapping, office productivity, social networking, video sharing services as well as selling advertising-free versions of the same technologies.

    See Also:

    Yahoo, Msn, Aol, Lycos, Ask Jeeves

    With Google You Can Start Hoarding Money

    The whole Internet world is so large that an individual cannot even imagine. It is quite inexplicable that every second this virtual world welcomes an online company. You will be amazed that not any single online company proceeds further in the development of its businesses without taking the help of Google. This consortium is all-the-time-winner bull in the race of online businesses.

    Surviving through the storms of the ups and downs in the business world is the only attempt that most of us do. However, there are a certain groups of folks around us who think completely different from us. Surprisingly, they are doing well in their businesses. How are these people able to do this? Possibly they think out of the box. In this context, we can discuss the potentiality of Google and its contemporary contributions to various Internet businesses. The present status of this worldwide Internet Company is enough to state its strong influence in our lives.

    It is known to most of us that Google is the number one search engine in the world. Although there are many competitors of Google, it is still the hardest competitor to the existing search engine players. Scores of people in every second are accessing the services offered by this efficient completely free of cost. On the other hand, this search engine company is earning money from the advertising. You must be well familiar with online retailers or any other companies having their websites. These online retailers or companies having their websites make use of Google for promoting their products and services by placing ads. Furthermore, this worldwide search engine asks a nominal fee for placing a single ad. Since, it has a pool of potential visitors there is a higher prospect that your website will earn more traffic. More traffic is the key to earn loads of money. The current strength of this consortium is much more than it used to be in a couple of years ago.

    Google grants you the liberty for hoarding money by dint of its strong customer base and manifold services. If you are continuously in touch with Google, then you must have come across the terms ‘Google AdWords’ and ‘Google AdSense’. These are the advertising flagships of this king of the Internet. By using these advertising tools of Google you make your online ads glitter just in front of the readers or visitors. Most of the Internet domain experts believe that if you receive 100 clicks on your ads, then with 30 clicks out of it you would surely receive a sale.

    Why an online entrepreneur should carry on his advertising projects with Google? Well, billions of folks across the world have faith upon this monster, then there is no least chance that your investment in advertisement with this search engine company will become a loss. Another reason why you should associate yourself with this mass preferred Internet service provider because it has the most globally used social networks. It is none other than Orkut. Through this worldwide social network this monster has a large number of email ids in stock. Now, what would you like to say about this? It is a sea of database consisting email ids that are its strength.



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